Case ref |
City or Parish |
Complainant |
Date Received |
Nature of Complaint |
Status |
Updates |
723 |
Parish |
Former Parish Council Clerk |
24/6/19 |
The complainant alleges that the subject members have behaved in a manner that is disrespectful. |
Closed – the Monitoring Officer has considered the Investigation Officer’s report and agrees with her findings of no breach of the Code of Conduct. |
Closed – the Monitoring Officer has considered the Investigation Officer’s report and agrees with her findings of no breach of the Code of Conduct.
The investigation was initially on hold as it was related to another complaint. |
2020/01 |
Parish |
Resident |
05/02/20 |
The complainant alleges the Parish Councillor was supporting a planning application on a personal level and was not acting impartially. The complainant claims the Councillor did not acknowledge their objections. |
Closed - after investigation, the Monitoring Officer advised this matter will not be taken further.
The Chairman of the PC has contacted the Monitoring Officer to discuss this matter.
A Parish Councillor has resigned from their post following the incidents with the Parish Councillor.
Response sent to the complainant on 28/04/20. Chair of PC also sent a copy. This matter will not be taken further. |
2020/02 |
City |
Resident |
10/04/20 |
The complainant put in a complaint with regards to how a Councillor spoke to him online on Twitter. |
Closed – the Monitoring Officer advised the complainant that this complaint does not merit further investigation as it appears that the thread consists of a series of comments between the complainant and the Councillor in which they were both providing views on whether a previous comment made on Twitter was defamatory. |
2020/03 |
City |
Councillor |
26/06/20 |
The complainant alleges a Councillor had a personal and prejudicial interest in the matter of the decision to grant and fund early retirement of a Chief Officer. |
Closed – the complaint was assessed and the views of an Independent Person were sought. Complaint did not progress to an investigation and the complaint was dismissed. |
2020/04 |
Parish |
Parish Councillor |
08/07/20 |
The complainant has put in 3 complaints about the behaviour of another Parish Councillor towards them. |
The case has been passed to an investigating officer to investigate.
Parties have been interviewed and draft report is currently being finalised.
Draft report now sent to the parties, they have until 19.03.21 to respond. Complainant has responded, awaiting comments from Subject PC.
No comments received so draft report passed to MO.
Draft report passed to Monitoring Officer who agrees with conclusion in that the complaint is not upheld. Parties contacted on 7 April 2021 and notified of outcome. Closed. |
2020/05 |
City |
City |
11/07/20 |
The complainant has submitted a formal complaint with regards to 4 CYC Councillors not submitting a Declaration of Interest at a Planning Committee meeting on 9th July 2020. It is claimed one Councillor in particular attended with a predetermined and biased mind-set. |
Closed - the complaint was assessed and the views of an Independent Person were sought. It was determined the complaint would not be taken further as the points raised do not amount to a breach of the code of conduct. |
2020/06 |
City |
Resident |
14/07/20 |
The complaint concerns a Councillor’s participation at the Staffing and Urgency Committee that discussed the early retirement of a Chief Officer and the lack of Declaration of Interest. |
Closed - the complaint was assessed and the views of an Independent Person were sought. It was determined the complaint would not be taken further. |
Subject matter of complaint has already been subject of an investigation or other action relating to the Code of Conduct or subject of an investigation by other regulatory authorities. |
2020/07 |
Parish |
Parish |
16/07/20 |
The complainants have put in a joint complaint about their fellow Councillor. The complaint focuses on the Councillor’s attendance at meetings, his general tone of communication and behaviour amongst other things. |
Closed as subject Parish Councillor has resigned. |
This complaint is currently being investigated.
Closed as subject Parish Councillor has resigned. |
2020/08 |
Parish |
Resident |
23/07/20 |
The formal complaint submitted is with regards to the integrity, honesty and bullying behaviour of the Councillor. |
Closed as subject Parish Councillor has resigned. |
This complaint is currently being investigated.
Closed as subject Parish Councillor has resigned. |
2020/09 |
Parish |
Parish |
24/07/20 |
The complainant has put in a formal complaint with regards to the Councillor behaving in a ‘disrespectful and intimidatory’ manner. The complainant has given multiple examples of the behaviour. |
Closed - the complaint was assessed and the views of an Independent Person were sought. It was determined the complaint would not be taken further. The documents provided did not provide sufficient evidence of disrespectful and intimidatory behaviour. Comments made amount to freedom of speech and does not extend beyond that. |
Closed |
2020/11 |
Parish |
Parish Councillor |
27/08/20 |
The complainant has put in a formal complaint with regards to a Councillor’s behaviour at council meetings. The complainant has given multiple examples of the behaviour. This is a counter complaint to 2020/09. |
Closed - the complaint was assessed and the views of an Independent Person were sought. It was determined the complaint would not be taken further. The evidence provided did not provide sufficient evidence of behaviour amounting to a breach of the Code. Comments made would amount to freedom of speech and did not extend beyond that. |
Closed |
2020/15 |
Parish |
Parish |
18/11/20 |
The complainant claims a Parish Councillor does not abide by the Code of Conduct in his behaviour towards the PC or to the residents that he should represent. The complainant states it is bullying and harassment.
This complaint has been assessed and is due to be allocated to an investigating officer.
Draft report to be distributed to parties w/c 15.03.21.
Parties have responded, draft report to be passed to MO for consideration.
Draft report passed to MO who agrees with the conclusion in that the complaint is not upheld and no breach was found. Parties contacted on 22 April 2021 and notified of outcome. Closed.
2020/16 |
Parish |
Parish |
25/11/20 |
The complainant claims the councillors displayed bullying behaviour at meetings and over email. The complainant advised the councillor’s behaviour towards the PC has been unreasonable and unprofessional. Multiple examples of behaviour provided. |
This complaint has been assessed and is due to be allocated to an investigating officer.
Complaint withdrawn at request of complainant. |
2020/18 |
08/12/20 |
The complainant claims the Councillor’s attitude was unprofessional, undermining and intimidating, both to the complainant and other members of the committee during a meeting.
This complaint is currently under investigation.
Draft report sent to parties, comments now received.
Complainant would like their opportunity to raise concerns around the investigation.
Complaints procedure considered, but no mechanism for this. Draft report considered by MO and findings accepted, parties notified. Closed. |
2020/19 |
Parish |
Parish |
10/12/20 |
The complainant claims the Councillor was discriminatory against them in relation to co-option and at a public meeting. |
Investigating officer found no breach found. MO has reviewed the draft report and upholds the investigating officer’s findings. Closed. |
This complaint has been assessed and is due to be allocated to an investigating officer.
Investigation ongoing.
Meeting arranged with Investigating Officer on 20 April 2021 when she returns from leave. Update will be provided then.
Investigating officer found no breach found. MO has reviewed the draft report and upholds the investigating officer’s findings. Closed. |
2021/02 |
York Resident |
16/01/21 |
The complainant alleges that proper process was not followed at a Committee meeting and sufficient information was not provided to attendees at the meeting to make an informed judgement. |
Closed – the complaint was assessed and the views of an Independent Person sought. It was determined the complaint would not be taken further as the allegations do not breach the code of conduct. |
2021/03 |
Parish |
Parish |
29/01/21 |
The complainant has put in a formal complaint with regards to the councillor’s behaviour. The complainant has requested an old complaint be revisited. |
No breach found. Decision of investigating officer upheld by MO. Closed. |
Investigation ongoing.
Meeting arranged with Investigating Officer on 20 April 2021 when she returns from leave. Update will be provided then.
No breach found. Decision of investigating officer upheld by MO. Closed. |
2021/04 |
04/03/21 |
During a Council Planning Meeting, the Councillor publicly criticised Planning Officers in a disrespectful manner in a clear breach of Member Standards. |
Closed |
Currently being assessed, awaiting IP view.
IP chased but no response yet.
Complaint closed. Complaint appears to be politically motivated and in addition, as there is another route for this complaint to be dealt with, in accordance with the protocol on Officer/Member relations, it is not felt that the public interest would be served by progressing this matter further.
2021/05 |
York resident |
11/03/21 |
The complainant alleges that the Cllr portrayed a biased view of a scheme during a Planning Committee Meeting, as well as attempting to influence a Planning Officer. |
Closed. |
Currently being assessed, IP view now received, with MO for determination.
The complaint was assessed and IP view obtained. Complaint not progressing. Reason: whilst the complainant and the Councillor do not share the same views on the merits of the application, this does not justify a Code of Conduct complaint progressing any further. |
2021/07 |
Parish Councillor |
York Resident |
20/03/21 |
The complaint alleges the Parish Council did not allow residents to join a virtual PC meeting as the meeting time was changed without making residents aware. |
Closed. |
IP views being sought.
The complaint was assessed and IP view obtained. Complaint not progressing. Reason: complaint does not fall within remit of Standards/Code of Conduct issue and does not raise issues in relation to a particular Parish Councillor, suggested complainant raises the issue with the Parish Council Clerk. |
2021/10 |
York resident |
17/06/2021 |
The complaint is in relation to a Tweet sent by the Cllr online. The complainant implies the Cllr has a prejudicial interest against taxis and does not see how the Cllr can continue as an Executive Member or remain on a Committee when it is dealing with issues related to taxi licensing.
Closed |
Currently being assessed by MO.
Closed - the reason for this decision is that the contents of the complaint are not covered by the Code, and after reviewing the Bio on the Cllrs Twitter account, it has been made clear that statements are made in a personal capacity. Code of Conduct complaints must relate to conduct in the course of acting as a Councillor.
2020/12 |
Resident |
11/09/20 / 16/09/20 (officially) |
The complaint is in relation to the resident’s planning application. The complainant claims the Councillor supported a council officer rather than providing a fair and neutral opinion as a Councillor and was inextricably linked to personal interests in relation to a committee meeting. |
MO reviewed report. No breach found, matter closed. |
The subject matter of this complaint has been investigated by a 3rd party, that has now concluded, therefore, this can now proceed.
Investigation ongoing.
MO reviewed report. No breach found, matter closed. |
2020/13 |
Parish |
05/11/20 |
The complaint is in relation to an email sent by the Councillor – the complainant believes this is an offensive email in breach of the code of conduct. |
Local Resolution accepted by subject Member. Matter closed. |
This complaint has been passed to an investigating officer. Draft report prepared and to be sent to parties w/c 15.03.21 for comment.
Draft report finalised and breach found. MO assessing whether local resolution is suitable.
Breach to be dealt with through local resolution – parties informed.
Local Resolution accepted by Subject Member. Matter closed. |
2021/01 |
York Residents |
03/01/21 |
The complainant alleges the Cllr chose to be “aggressive, narrow minded and discriminative” against him and his business, “rather than take a pragmatic, reasonable approach to this incident”. |
Closed. Hearing Panel determined no breach. |
Assessment of complaint currently taking place.
Passed for investigation.
Draft report sent to parties, asked for comments by 19.03.21.
No comments so passed draft report to MO.
Breach found, MO upholds the finding. Local resolution offered but not accepted. Hearing to be arranged.
Closed. Hearing Panel determined no breach.
2021/11 |
Parish |
Parish |
23/06/2021 |
The complaint relates to allegations of threats and false statements amongst Parish Councillors. |
Closed. |
Currently being assessed by MO.
Complaint assessed. Complaint dismissed in relation to the Clerk, as they do not fall within the remit of the Code of Conduct. Complaint in relation to Town Councillors not progressing due to insufficient information and tit for tat. Closed.
2020/10 |
City |
Residents |
12/07/20 - 24/07/20 |
Numerous complaints were received with regards to the Councillor’s comments and behaviour on social media. |
Closed. |
This complaint is currently being investigated.
Draft report now finalised and sent to subject Councillor for comment.
Comments received, subcommittee to be reconvened to review findings.
Sub-Committee determined that further investigation is required – passed back to investigating officer.
Investigation completed now – referred back to Sub-Committee.
Assessment sub-committee determined that the Investigating Officer’s report was complete and accepted the finding of no breach of the Code of Conduct. Closed.
2020/14 |
Parish |
Resident |
18/11/20 |
The complainant would like a Parish Councillor investigated as personal animosity has been preventing the PC to serve the parishioners. |
Closed. |
This complaint has been assessed and is due to be allocated to an investigating officer.
Draft report to be distributed to parties w/c 15.03.21.
Parties have responded, draft report to be passed to MO for consideration.
Breach found, being referred for hearing.
Hearing Panel adjourned to end of September.
Hearing Panel met on 30 September 2021. Panel upheld the Investigating Officer’s findings that the Councillor breached the Code of Conduct. The Panel imposed the following sanctions: Formal reporting of the findings of the Panel to the Parish Council, recommendation that the Parish Council arrange mandatory training for the Parish Councillor around Chairing Skills, including the Code of Conduct and Parish Council Governance.
2020/20 |
13/12/20 |
The complainant claims the councillors breached the code of conduct. It is alleged the councillors made potentially libellous allegations against the complainant and others, and it is alleged they have set out a series of untruths about City of York Council within a newsletter sent out. |
Closed. |
Assessment can now be completed as IP view now received.
Investigation ongoing.
This complaint is currently being investigated.
Investigation concluded, no breach found. MO upholds the findings of the investigating officer, parties notified. Closed. |
2021/14 |
19/08/2021 |
The complainant alleges the Cllr has breached the following standards codes: 3.1: You must treat others with respect. 3.2 You must not do anything which may cause the Council to break any equality enactment. 3.3 You must not bully or intimidate any person, or attempt to bully or intimate them. 3.7 You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing the Council into disrepute, or your position as a councillor into disrepute.
Closed. |
This complaint is currently being investigated.
Joint Assessment Sub-Committee being set up, await outcome.
Assessment sub-committee agreed no further action. Parties notified, matter closed. |
2021/15 |
CYC & Parish |
York resident |
28/09/21 |
The complaint is in relation to an alleged breach of information regarding a planning application that was not in the public domain. The parish councillor allegedly acted unfair and biased towards a planning application. |
Closed. |
Complaint assessed, IP view sought, consultation with Chair of JSC, complaint not progressing further. Reason: if the complaint were proven, there would not be a breach of the Parish Council’s code. Parties notified of outcome. Closed.
2021/16 |
York resident |
15/10/21 |
The complaint is in relation to a potential conflict of interest following an appearance on TV. |
Closed. |
Complaint assessed and not progressing to investigation. Reason: Councillor acting in private capacity, not in capacity of Councillor. Closed. |
2021/18 |
02/12/21 |
The complainant alleges the Cllr has breached the code following decisions made at Decision Sessions. |
This complaint is currently being assessed.
Views of the IP sought.
Closed. Complaint does not relate to councillor conduct, therefore falls outside the standards regime. Parties notified.
2021/19 |
York resident |
11/12/21 |
The complainant alleges a statement made in a York Press article was intended to coerce and stigmatise anyone who chooses not to be vaccinated. |
Closed. |
This complaint is currently being assessed.
Views of the IP sought.
Complaint assessed and no breach of the code of conduct was found. Closed. Parties notified. |
2021/21 |
17/12/21 |
The complaint relates to an allegation that the Cllr used social media (Twitter) to make slanderous and/or defamatory comments which, relate to a Full Council meeting. |
Closed. |
This complaint is currently being assessed.
Views of the IP and JSC Vice Chair sought.
Complaint assessed and no breach of the code of conduct was found. Closed. Parties notified.
2020/17 |
Parish |
Parish |
01/12/20 |
The complainant claims the Councillor had an emotional outburst at an online parish council meeting which is claimed to have publicly impugned the integrity of the complainant. |
Closed. |
This complaint has been assessed and is due to be allocated to an investigating officer.
Investigation ongoing.
Meeting arranged with Investigating Officer on 20 April 2021 when she returns from leave. Update will be provided then.
Investigation now completed, breach in part found. With MO to determine next steps.
MO has accepted the draft report, currently considering whether to deal with the matter informally or by way of hearing.
Consulting with Vice Chair as to whether to refer to hearing sub-committee – awaiting response.
Progressing to Hearing. Hearing panel arranged for 8th March.
Hearing Panel met on 8 March 2022. The Panel imposed sanctions and the decision notice was published online. |
2021/08 |
Parish Councillor |
Parish Councillor |
06/04/21 |
This is an additional complaint in respect of the Parish Council meeting in February 2021 in which the Chairman and to some extent the Council have acted “unlawfully” in respect to actions taken at the meeting. |
Closed. |
Matter currently under investigation.
Consulting with Vice Chair as to whether to refer to hearing sub-committee – awaiting response.
Progressing to Hearing. Hearing panel to be convened.
Progressing to Hearing. Hearing panel arranged for 8th March.
Hearing Panel met on 8 March 2022. The Panel imposed sanctions and the decision notice was published online. |
2021/09 |
Parish Councillor |
York Resident |
06/04/21 |
This complaint is in addition to 2020/19. This complaint pertains to the actions taken during the February 2021 Parish Council meeting in which the complainant feels further adds to the issues raised in the original complaint in respect to the conduct of the councillor. |
Closed. |
Matter currently under investigation.
Consulting with Vice Chair as to whether to refer to hearing sub-committee – awaiting response.
Progressing to Hearing. Hearing panel to be convened.
Progressing to Hearing. Hearing panel arranged for 8th March.
Hearing Panel met on 8 March 2022. The Panel imposed sanctions and the decision notice was published online. |
2022/01 |
15/01/22 |
The complainant alleges the Councillor failed to treat others with respect and notes a lack of response to correspondence. |
This complaint is currently being assessed.
Views of the IP sought.
Closed. Reason: MO does not deem that the delay is evidence of a lack of respect or sufficient to bring the council into disrepute, therefore, does not believe that there has been a breach of the code. |
2022/02 |
29/01/22 |
The complainant alleges the Councillor has abused their position, using an ‘apolitical role’ to seemingly confer an advantage on the political party.
Closed. |
Complaint is currently being assessed.
Views of the IP sought. Views of the Vice Chair sought.
Closed. Reason: MO does not believe this to bring the council into disrepute and there is no reference to the role, therefore, does not believe that there has been a breach of the code.